Industry exhibition
Information on ticket types and ticket purchase can be found here.

One-day ticket industry exhibition



Scientific lectures + industry exhibition

One-day combi ticket for EUHA members



One-day combi ticket non-member



Season combi ticket EUHA member



Season combi ticket non-member



Apprentices and students
Tickets only for apprentices and students

Season combi ticket apprentices and students



Can only be booked when booking a combi ticket
Available only in German language
Number of participants limited

Tutorial 1: "40 Jahre CI – wie komplex ist es?"



Tutorial 2: "Hyperakusis und Misophonie: Zwei völlig unterschiedliche und wenig verstandene Symptombereiche der Audiologie und Psychosomatik"



Tutorial 3: "Typisch Kunde! Ohriginelle Kunden ohrdentlich beraten"



Tutorial 4: "Navigieren in der Ära der Unbeständigkeit: Die Essenz moderner Führungskompetenzen im Zeitalter des Fachkräftemangels"



Tutorial 5: "Höranstrengung messen mit acales in der Praxis- erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Hörakustik im Fachgeschäft"



Networking program

Ticket Congress Get-together 17/10/2024



Total Price*: €0.00

* Prices stated include VAT, service and shipping charges
Tickets may not be returned or exchanged after purchase. Should the organiser (EUHA) have to cancel the Congress – for any reason whatsoever –, payment received for registration fees will be refunded in full. Further claims for damages, such as cancellation fees for hotel accommodation, travel costs, etc., are expressly excluded.


Order your ticket here, print it, and take it along to 68th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians 2024 for fast and easy entry.